Remove visual effect of Force Tower in Cabal Online (Mission War)

I do not know if the setting to toggle this effect off is available or implemented in the official servers.

Why you should remove this effect

For better visibility. The effects from force towers sometimes can prevent you from seeing the enemies. Also, this effect is annoying. It is even worse if there are so many force towers built around.

How to remove Cabal Online Force Tower effect

To remove, navigate to your cabal "EFX" folder. The path should look like this:

Cabal Online\Data\FX\EFX
(Cabal Online > Data > FX > EFX)

Inside the EFX folder, you will see a folder named "forcetower".

Remove force tower effect in cabal online

Move the forcetower folder to somewhere else. For me, I just create a new folder in the same location and name it anything like shown in the picture below. Then I move the forcetower folder into the new folder.

Remove force tower effect in cabal online

You must reopen cabal to apply this change or close cabal before doing this. 

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