Monitor Display: Distorted and Blurry Text

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The problem and what's causing it

When there is a configuration mismatch, it can make the display look blurry because of distorted text. Some parts of the display look perfectly fine then the other parts seem 'weird'. From what I've experienced, this is caused by incorrect monitor signal timings (Clock and phase) from unsuitable display settings such as resolution and refresh rate, or just simply because of wrong calibration.

incorrect monitor signal timings

Notice the black parts on the monitor, this is where text will become blurry due to incorrect clock/phase timings. The black patterns can be checked using this website.

Unsuitable Display Settings

There are times I do some small monitor overclocking on my basic office monitor to increase the refresh rate. When the settings are pushed too far, it causes the text to misalign. For this mismatch, lowering the overclock value is the only way I can prevent the distortion. 

If there is no monitor overclocking involved but some changes made to the resolution settings like changing to a smaller resolution than the native, then going back to the default recommend settings like using native resolution can fix this. This however, from my I see, does not distort the text, it just makes the whole display blurry. The display does not look sharp and clear because smaller resolutions are stretched to fill the screen. Imagine this, you watch youtube at 480p and open it at fullscreen.

Incorrect Monitor Calibration

On the other hand, incorrect monitor signal timings occur when the clock and phase timings of the video signal are not properly calibrated, resulting in blurry parts of the display. This issue is easier to fix if your monitor has a button for 'auto adjustment.' It ensures proper display alignment and clarity. Simply push the button on your monitor and let it auto calibrate.

I would recommend performing the auto-adjustment along with Clock and Phase calibration pattern for accurate adjustment.

monitor auto adjust timings

Read also:

Basic Monitor: How to deal with screen tearing

PC monitor turns off when pressing the light or fan switch

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