How to Delete Unused Pictures from Blogger

You may have uploaded several photos to Blogger for your blog posts but later decided to not use them or replace them with more suitable ones.

When you upload a picture to your blog, it goes to a designated storage location in Google Photos. This location is called an "album".

The album is named after your blog's name. So, if you have two blogs (under the same Google account), you will have two albums in Google Photos, each with the name of one of your blogs.

The pictures you upload to each blog go into the album with the same name as the blog.

How to Delete Unused Pictures from Blogger


When you delete a picture from the album, it will no longer appear in the associated blog post. This is because Blogger relies on the pictures being stored in the album, so if you delete a picture from the album, the link to that picture in the blog post will be broken.

To delete UNUSED photos or images:

  1. Go to Blogger Media Manager: Albums
  2. Select album
  3. Click Trash Can icon to delete

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