Computer Audio Making Popping or Crackling Noises

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My Experience with PC Audio Popping

I’ve encountered these weird popping noises several times, randomly. One day, the PC was working fine, and the next day, out of nowhere, the audio started making strange sounds.

These noises were like those deep ear-cleaning ASMR.

Initial Troubleshooting

I tried disabling and re-enabling the audio device, changing the audio port from front to back, and installing and uninstalling the audio driver, but the popping was still happening. I looked online for solutions and tried various fixes, yet nothing worked. I ended up giving up and just hoped it would fix itself the next day, which most of the time it did.

The Issue Resurfaced

Of course, after weeks and months of nice audio, the popping noises returned the day I wrote this blog post, just minutes ago. I did the same things I had tried before, hoping the issue would be resolved, but as expected, the popping noise didn’t go away. However, as I was getting annoyed, I accidentally FIXED it.

Computer Audio Making Popping or Crackling Noises

How I "Fixed" the PC Audio Popping or Crackling Noises

I thought the problem might be caused by the electricity—maybe from the cable or the power outlet. So, I turned off the PC and cut off all power, hoping to "reset" the electrical connection.

While doing this, I discovered something interesting. I still had my earphones in, and I could still hear the popping noises. I was confused because there was no power at all, except for what I assumed was coming from the CMOS battery.

I considered removing the battery but was lazy and didn't do it.

I kept my earphones in and listened to the popping noises. I sat there, and after about 5 or 10 minutes, the popping stopped.

I turned on the PC, and I didn’t hear any popping noises anymore. So, this is how I accidentally solved it. LOL.

Read also: 

PC monitor turns off briefly when pressing the light or fan switch

Monitor Display: Distorted and Blurry Text

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