Create a Facebook Page Name with a Lowercase First Letter

When creating a Facebook page, you may have noticed that the platform automatically capitalizes the first letter of your page name. This is because Facebook's default formatting requires the first letter of the page name to be capitalized.

However, some people may prefer to have a page name that starts with a lowercase letter, such as "example" instead of "Example". If you're one of them, this tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a Facebook page with a lowercase first letter. 

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How To Use Lowercase First Letter For A Facebook Page Name

The trick to this method is to use the Facebook app, which means you need to create the Facebook page from your phone, not on a computer.

This method has only been tested on an Android phone. As I don't own an Apple phone, I don't know if it will work on the iOS Facebook app.

In case you're not familiar with the steps for creating a Facebook page using the Facebook app (Android), here's how:

  1. In Facebook app, tap your profile at the top right corner
  2. Tap the Pages button or icon
  3. Tap Create button at the upper left

Create a Facebook Page Name with a Lowercase First Letter

Can You Rename an existing Facebook Page to Lowercase the First Letter?

Honestly I am not sure, I haven't tried changing a Facebook page name from "Example" to "example", but I have successfully renamed my page from "" to "".

Read also: Brave Browser: Facebook keeps Logging Out

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