When you browse the web, you might notice that scrolling isn’t always smooth. Sometimes, it can look jittery, where the page jumps or skips as you scroll. Instead of moving smoothly, it looks like the content is bouncing around, making it hard to read.
You might also experience choppy scrolling, which means the movement isn’t even. It can feel like the page is stuttering or hesitating, making it frustrating to navigate through long articles or websites.
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Why Certain Websites or Blogs Don't Scroll Smoothly
This could happen because of some Windows setting. Some websites use themes designed with smooth scrolling in mind. If these animations are disrupted—such as when Windows animations are turned off—the scrolling can become less smooth. This can lead to a jittery, choppy, or stuttering experience for users.
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How to Fix Jittery Scrolling in Browser
- Open run window by typing Run in the start, or pressing Windows+R
- Type sysdm.cpl and press enter
- Go to Advanced tab
- Under Advanced tab, click on Settings...
- Search for 'Animate controls and elements inside Windows'. Make sure it is 'checked'.